Current Issue
Full Issue
- Kapak (Turkish)
- Jenerik (Turkish)
- The Rights of Non-Muslims in Mughal Law after Akbar Shah's Din-i İlahi Movement
- Göçmen Suçluluğu: Doğru Soruları Sormak (Turkish)
- Hukuki Çoğulluk Bağlamında Hukukun Neliği Sorununa Muhtasar Bir Bakış (Turkish)
- Crisis and Transformation of the Public Sphere: A Study on Rights, Identities and Subjectivities
- Sanhedrin: Yahudilikte Sosyal Hayatı Düzenleyen Üst Mahkeme (Turkish)
- Tam Dosya / Full File (Turkish)
DiHA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies aims to publish original and interdisciplinary research that focuses on the intersection of law with various disciplines. The journal welcomes articles that examine the contributions of other disciplines to law and how law affects other disciplines.
DiHA is a double-blind peer-reviewed and open-access academic journal. Aiming global circulation, it is international, open access, and free of charge. It is published electronically, annually in September.
The journal evaluates research articles, research notes and book reviews. The target group of the journal consists of academicians, researchers, students, related professional and academic bodies and institutions. Turkish and English are welcome within the journal.