Submission Preparation Checklist
All authors confirm the following points:
- The article complies with the aims and scope of the journal and has not been previously published or submitted for review elsewhere.
- All authors have approved the originality and final version of the article and have consented to its submission to the journal for editorial (internal) and peer (external) review (Review Form).
- The article has been prepared in accordance with the formatting guidelines provided by Barışça, including the Article Template and Title Page.
- The Title Page accurately lists the authors' titles, full names, institutional affiliations, ORCID URLs, and email addresses.
- The article file has been prepared for double-blind peer review, with no author information, acknowledgments, or other identifiable details included.
- Both the footnote citations and the reference list have been formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).
- The accuracy and completeness of all references have been verified.
- By submitting the article, the authors affirm compliance with copyright, scientific ethical principles, financial disclosures, and authorship criteria (such as avoiding ghostwriting and guest authorship). All necessary information has been included on the Title Page.
- A similarity report has been attached as a .pdf file to the article submission.
- The Turkish text adheres to the spelling and punctuation rules of the Turkish Language Association (TDK).
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